Originally Posted by Platypus101
Does the school have a "Meet the Teacher" night? Ours tend to do that a couple weeks after school starts. I've found that is often an excellent time, *not* to try and discuss my kid, but to secure a meeting to do so. I make sympathetic noises at the teacher that show I know they are undoubtedly finding my kid challenging already, and how can I help? If I frame it right, the teacher is practically asking me for a meeting and more info, rather than the other way around. No pushy parent!
I don't know if they have this, but I imagine they do. All the schools I know have them, but this will be a private international school so who knows? The idea of "providing help" is a good one!!

Originally Posted by Platypus101
So for me, the key is to be all about recognizing what challenges and weaknesses the teacher is already experiencing, and positioning myself as there to help. I always start from, "What can we do differently at home to better support what you expect them them to do in the classroom?", for instance. Or "How can we teach and reinforce the executive function skills/ organizational systems you expect the kids to use?"
I like this, too. Again, it's all about how the parent is helping the teacher vs. being another burden.

Originally Posted by Platypus101
Any suggestions for the teacher strategies I always frame as coming from her peers, not me. "His previous teachers have told me they find X really helpful..... They tried Y and Z, but Q always seemed to work best...
Really I can say what the 504 lists. The new one has really made a difference!!!

Originally Posted by Platypus101
Obviously, this doesn't work so well with the compliant high achiever. At least, I would assume so - I personally wouldn't have a clue smile
I do! My older one could rule the world! She is uber-organized. Drives DD crazy. I WISH I was as organized as she is. It's crazy having such different kids.