I just want to chime in and share my appreciation for this board and the wonderfully generous and helpful commenters here. I don't post much but I read often; this board is a consistently helpful resource and I would be much more lost without it.

I wish there were some way to send flowers to the regulars! I particularly want to call out aeh for appreciation; s/he is clearly an expert and has donated a tremendous amount of time pro bono to helping parents understand testing and related information via reliably well-informed, clear, compassionate, and productive commentary.

Thank you, everyone - if you only could see the difference you are making/have made for the many families who read or post here!

(In lieu of actual flowers, please accept the invisible internet bouquet I am sending you all with this post. Each bouquet is quite lovely - I told the invisible internet florists to use all of your favorite kinds and to spare no expense. :D)