Since I have ADHD I knew DD did, too, but I waited until I knew it was time to start working with a psychiatrist to test privately. This was when she started struggling with follow through at home but before she began having organizational problems at school, in 2nd grade. Although the disorganization has increased as the kids are expected to be more independent, I have never considered that she would ever qualify for an IEP, and assumed school testing was unnecessary. I did consider requesting a 504, but the only accommodations we've requested are permission to chew gum and implementation of a homework planner, and the last two years both teachers have been happy to make those accommodations without a 504. It never occurred to me that by requesting an evaluation on the grounds of ADHD we would be getting the formal academic testing as part of the process. I don't know what i was thinking! Well, actually I do-the ADHD seems like a smaller issue because I feel more confident in strategies to manage it. But I can see I've been trying to compartmentalize the issues even though they are probably connected. And making everything more complicated in the process. And it's probably a good idea to get everything documented in a 504 before she gets closer to middle school, too.

Thank you for the redirection!