Thanks for pointing that out, I was thinking about those numbers backwards!

DD has already been diagnosed with ADHD,I just don't know what impact that may have on testing. I would prefer the person administering the test to have experience in testing kids with learning disabilities since both her brother and I have ADHD and auditory processing. But, this isn't a deal breaker, just my hesitance to pay for private testing if the information gathered from it isn't accurate. I also believe the ADHD clouds how she is viewed academically, and why they focus more on keeping her busy instead of keeping her learning. She is constantly an early finisher but several times a quarter I have to go in with her before school to help her find all of the completed missing work in her desk - and her desk is a complete disaster, full of random notebooks with half finished stories, songs, art, ideas, and anything else she can think of. But, the work is always finished.

I have never heard that I can directly request testing from the school district. Our charter schools function independently from the school district so we've never had access to any district resources. I'm going to call and find it this afternoon because that would make it all easier.