I see that full scale must the bottom line result, but what is GAI? It does not appear our child qualifies for help from Davidson. The examiner's notes include "very superior" and "scored higher overall than 99% of individuals in his age group". It appears the Davidson cut off is 99.6% or higher. What other resources are out there for these kids? He's 9, in 3rd grade. We really need support as our school district has so far done nothing.

Deleted image of test results

These results were given during testing that was comprehensive and included ADHD screening. Other tests administered were Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System, Test of Variables of Attention, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function.

We did not walk away with an ADHD diagnosis, but were encouraged to "revisit this" if school became challenging at any point in the future as he may be able to compensate now but that could become more challenging in the future. The notes from the examiner included that our child was deficient in isolated areas of executive function. The notes say our child asked repeatedly if the tests were to be over soon, but was also eager to participate and friendly throughout the process.

Our current concerns are that he is not extended academically (no acceleration at all) and he does not seem to have an appetite for more academic work at home. Without school support, I'm afraid we are kind-of stuck at the moment. The last thing he wants to do when he gets home is more school work. We really need differentiation.

Unfortunately, I would characterize our school district as rural, with a total student population of fewer than 3000 students in K-12. Homeschool isn't realistic as both my husband and I work full-time without the flexibility to drop a day. He is not old enough to care for himself if we have to do office work from home for days on end.

If Davidson is out, I'm looking for something somewhere else. Or, would it be worth an application anyway with this result despite a borderline ADHD diagnosis?

Last edited by MamaRachel; 09/28/17 05:18 PM.

Boys age 7&9 grades 2&4.
SW Washington State (near Portland, OR)