Hi all. This is going to be a little long and ramble-y, so I thank you in advance for any advice you can give.

We recently had my 1st grader (6.8 yo) tested on the advice of her school counselor--she was resisting going to school after loving it all her life, complaining about being bored, etc. She's always been very bright and I was highly gifted as a child (my husband is also very high achieving but not identified primarily because of his lower socio-economic background). Tl;dr it was not surprising to see that her verbal abilities are very high; Woodock-Johnson IV & WISC-V verbal-related scores are all 99th and higher. However! Her math and visual-related skills are only slightly above average and actually brought her Full Scale down to 129. Here are her subtest scores:

Similarities: 17
Vocab: 16
Blocks: 12
Visual puzzles: 13
Matrix Reasoning: 12
Figure Weights: 13
Digit span: 18
Picture span: 18
Coding: 11
Symbol Search: 15

So. My basic question is, how can I support a child with an uneven profile like this? Her working memory is exceptionally high (99.9th percentile), so I'm pretty confident she could do better in math given the right instruction or environment. I'm a verbal person myself, so I'm really not confident about my ability to make math fun and enriching for her in an afterschool way. And now I have a bunch of scattered questions:

Is it worth trying to push her more in math, or should I focus on supporting her in the areas where she clearly already excels?

I've read a lot over the last few years about the increasing sense that working memory is more predictive of success and ability in an academic environment than IQ; should I use her high score there (146) to push her school harder than I might otherwise, given her high but not exceptional Full Scale score?

Her scores were high enough to qualify her for our district's GATE program, but the full-time GATE program is full for next year (2nd grade). There's a pull-out option, but I really don't think once a week is going to meet her needs. I'm interested in exploring subject acceleration for her, but most of what I've run across relates to subject acceleration for math. Does anyone have experience with ELA subject acceleration?

Given her more or less average math abilities (currently!), would it be a mistake to consider whole grade acceleration?

If the school won't work with me, I'm also considering keeping her home for half a day to allow her to read and write at her own speed and according to her own interests (right now, the Titanic and the Tudor period!). Does anyone have experience doing half days at a public school?

Again, I know this is long and scattered, so thank you in advance for any thoughts!