Remember that the goal is to meet your child's needs. While rubrics can be a stepping stone in that direction... overly focusing on them (or any other detail) may lead you off track and cause you to lose focus on meeting your child's needs.

You have made an inquiry, and received information. The information may not be to our liking but it does help to manage our expectations. You may wish to thank them and leave this topic for now.

When you receive sample rubrics, you may wish to add them to your advocacy documentation... along with a copy of the GIEP and notes about your phone call, etc. These pieces may be organized into a ring binder for your future reference.

The school may be great for populations with which they are familiar. Some say the "optimal" IQ is 120-125. Higher IQ than that (gifted 132+) is more rare (2% of the population). The higher one's IQ, the more rare in the population... the less familiar a school may be with these kiddos... and the more difficult it may be to find academic/intellectual peers.

When a school randomly calls, my concern is that they may have read a post on this forum and thought they recognized the parent/student/family. When the school poses an open-ended question, the parent's answer reveals what is on their mind and may match the subject of the post, confirming the identification. Be careful what you post, and feel free to go back and edit your posts as needed.