The PLEP section is .... ok.....
Initially they tried to just include the WPPSI-IV and KTEA-3 with some teacher remarks, I pushed for more testing and the reading specialist provided some more information. It is not as thorough as I would like. I have made the point to them that I don't think she would test out of first grade because she hasn't had access to the material (like telling time) but with even a smidgen of prep she would pass by the end of the school year - hence our conversation about acceleration. They also mentioned she was advanced in Math, but never provided a goal for that topic. I signed the NORA in the first meeting just so that she would get "some" instruction while we figure out the kinks, but now I am regretting that. They seem open to more meetings at my request, but I want to be prepared. I know they are looking to add the results from the IOWA Scales to the PLEP so hopefully that helps a bit? I guess I'm just going to have to hammer them on specifics.