You might want to delete any details from the above posts which may make the children/family identifiable to those familiar with circumstances.

For reading at an advanced level, you might want to check the crowd-sourced book lists in the Recommended Resources forum.
This includes lists for kids approximately age 9-12 and 13+. The lists are composed of titles which parents of gifted kids recommended as being books which their children enjoyed at that age. Some, but not all, gifted children share the trait of deep empathy and are troubled by predation in nature and dystopia.

For curriculum, Michael Clay Thomas (Royal Fireworks Press) is one to consider.

At the sources listed upthread for possible science projects, one can also find English Language Arts: GHF, Davidson Database, Hoagies are good starting points. As long as the Common Core Standards for ELA are listed online, one might utilize them as a touch stone or checklist.