Hi RRD. I feel quite the same way about our DS6 (grade 1). I just don't feel that he is being challenged at school, except for the challenge inherent in writing neatly (and in the correct orientation -- some numbers and letters are still reversed). As you may recall from previous threads I have participated in, DS6 has DCD, so the writing problems may well be associated with that. (he is on a wait list for an OT "printing camp", but it is a long wait) He has a great teacher, though, and comes home from school every single day saying it was "awesome". I am loathe to push him to do more work at home, even though I know he is capable, because he is tired at the end of the school day and he has many other activities. We have spoken to him recently about the need to keep challenging himself, though, and I think he gets it, kind of. Like you (in Canada), there is no gifted program until a higher grade (for us it is grade 4). It seems like a long wait. In the mean time, what we have decided to do, rather than trying to get him to challenge himself on more "school work" at the end of a long school day, is to start taking him out of school more for field trips to museums and science centers.