Hi, it's been a while since I've been here.....

DD6 has been doing great but we have noticed she is starting to space out more and more as school goes on. This happens at home when we are doing an activity and I believe it happens at school.
She is visual spacial as well as chatty, and at times (but not always) very energetic. She just seems a million miles away so often and I think it's starting to impact her school work and therefore her teachers perception of her and as such she is given less challenging work.

She tested above 99.9% across most categories (except working memory 65%)when she was 4. Her test graph looks like a winged v.

I'm wondering if it's worth getting her retested and perhaps looking at ADD or if this is just par for the course for gifted VS kids. I'd love some perspective before I go spending loads at the Ed psych and getting a normal diagnosis!