Hi all,

This is my first post in this forum. Google search led me here.

We have two boys, the older one just turned 7 and is enrolled in public schools in Maryland as a first grader. Here in Maryland, students take MAP test three times a year. His first test, which was conducted in the first week of school year, came out as a pleasant surprise to us. He scored 211 in reading, and 215 in math. Also included in the report was a projected increase in the scores at the end of the school year (both projections suggested slight increases to about 220). Well, long story short, his second test came back yesterday with literally the same scores (reading 211, and math 213). Given that all tests have uncertainties; this indicates that little progress was made.

He has complained about boredom at school. When asking him to describe a normal day, he said that a lot of times he just picks up a book from the shelf and reads by himself at the corner. As parents, we certainly hope that he could be challenged, yet we realize that his teacher has many students to attend to and care for. We�ve worried for a while that he may not be learning much at school. This recent MAP score in certain ways acts to confirm our concerns.

My question is: shall we take this MAP score literally and assume that he made no academic progress over half a school year? With private school not being an option, shall we start challenging him at home?

Thank you for your time and attention!!
