It sounds like you are leaning toward taking her. Have you asked her if she even wants to go?

We've had DD tested twice, at 7.5 and 14, due to 2e issues. She didn't want to go to the meeting either time. We only spoke generally about her results when she was 7.5. As in "Even though you struggle with reading, you are a very smart girl." At 14, she knows what is going on. She asked me to summarize the results but I don't think that she read the report. She is at that age where she hates to hear people talk about her. She asked a few questions and then seemed content to drop it. She knows what IQ testing is and understands understands percentiles and standard deviations. I think that it would have been damaging to our relationship not to share the information with her. We also discussed whether she wanted us to fill in the DYS application.