I can help you start at district expense. Send in the request by email and CMRR again. Being at grade level is not the criteria, but "educational benefit" is. Do you have anything that shows your concern? My 3ds are all at private, but it does not matter... the district still needs to evaluate in all areas of suspected disability. Think comments on reports cards, tests, etc? Has he slipped on any areas of the private school's administered standardized testing?

This past summer my district tried to declassify one of my ds because of his good report card. I filed a complaint and ds has had district psychoeducational, OT and AT evals. The district just approved a trial macbook for DS. If you do not pay for private evaluations just realize that it will cost you in time and energy. You must expect the District to tell you it is not indicated and/or ignore you. For instance, I suspect that DS has an auditory processing disorder, because CELF 4 Concepts and Following Directions subtest scoring of 16% and PSI of 18% plus teachers are noticing difficulty in sequencing and they still told me it was not indicated so I went back and asked again. Why do you think it is not indicated? Under what circumstances do you think an APD evaluation is needed? I am waiting to hear.

Good luck!