We did a mid year lateral change during DD's absolutely awful kindergarten year. DD was obviously younger than your DD so not sure my input will be much help. We didn't sugar coat it. DD told people her mom wanted her away from the first teacher. I told people it was either a classroom change or I pull DD out of the school. Period. Not much discussion after that - people who knew what was going on didn't need to ask. There were friends from the first class who kept asking her to come back. The "transition" time was practically nil. She changed classes mid morning and by the next day had a seat assignment, cubby, etc. Within a few days it was as if she had always been part of that classroom. But again it was K so much younger.

Please don't downplay the bullying. In the first classroom DD had to have another kid pull a boy off of her. Teacher downplayed it because classroom para's job likely would have been in jeopardy. Administration got involved, photos of the injuries, formal bullying process implemented, etc. In second classroom it was more subdued. DD was "the positive role model peer" so was always seated with the trouble makers. She was *constantly* elbowed, kicked, pinched, etc. This teacher's position was "If I didn't see it it didn't happen." Despite pointing out the fingerprint bruises in the exact spot DD reported having been pinched repeatedly. Even when I witnessed an event the teacher refused to respond "But then I would have to write up an incident report..." Umm... Yeah... You do.... Let's just summarize by saying DD came out of kindergarten just shy of a formal PTSD diagnosis and in therapy for 3 years dealing with the PTS reaction. We changed schools for first grade and shockingly DD was no longer covered in head to toe bruises. If the principal is using the word bullying please believe her. There is likely more going on behind the scenes than you are aware of...

Good luck!