.... though to be fair, it's unclear exactly what that information would mean in practical terms for any individual.


Even if that were to turn out to be The Reason for college admission decisions at a particular school, for a particular applicant at a particular moment in time, it's not likely to be something that a candidate may either use predictively (since it depends upon the racial composition of the other applicants in the highly qualified pool) and also upon the immutable personal attribute of one's own race, and how it might be prioritized in any particular way at that time.

Young woman in STEM is probably a plus at these schools, and race might be a negative, as noted.... but it's hard to say that either thing is a major point one way or the other, and in any event, they are likely to have somewhat balancing impact for a net zero influence.

All that to note that I wouldn't spend too much time on it. But that's me personally.

The tech schools like RPI that I mentioned are often those which prioritize female applicants, however. Just noting that.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.