So DD11 needs to make it to class and to band without losing items all over the middle school. Not only does she deal with ADHD (inattentive), but she loses things because she carries the band instrument, binder, and class notes with her everywhere and drops bit and pieces behind her. She is afraid to put anything in her locker or the instrument in the band room for fear of forgetting something. She claims not to have the time to put papers in the binder before the next class (I can just visualize those papers sailing through the air....).

So, I have asked the guidance counselor and teachers for advice. They all suggested she put things in her locker between classes. Well, yes, good idea - except she is too scared to because she will forget to get it out of the locker!! Sigh.

Looking for some very practical ideas please for DD. What worked at your kids' schools? Also, the school is big and several stories tall.