My DS11 has a similar score profile except his highest index is PRI due to a relative low score on CO. He has previously been diagnosed as being on the spectrum but was recently assessed by a 2E specialist who strongly ruled it out. I believe his low CO score was due to a multiple of reasons, as Aeh mentioned above. He is quite naive, and had very little exposure to TV or technology until the last year or so. He also has expressive verbal language issues (average) which may have played a part. Lastly, he also was recently diagnosed with CAPD and now wears a filter.
George C, my DS is a meticulous writer and I would have never guessed he has Dysgraphia. However, he was always so slow to get his homework done. Basically any task that involve fine motor brought scores down very low when tested during his neuropsych evaluation. You many find the issue starts becoming much more taxing in the upper elementary grades so that he may no longer be able to compensate. This is what happened with DS.