Thanks spaghetti. To be clear - district is just as frustrated as I am. DD is the first OOD sped Ed kid to be placed in the TAG program and they are pulling out all the stops to allow her to be successful. She had an open hour before the start of the TAG day and no service provider in the building was available so they actually contracted for an OT to come in especially to work with her on OT workarounds based on what she needed to complete that day's TAG assignments. Instead OT kept working with her in handwriting and typing. DD finally put her foot down and said "No, I need to figure out AT work arounds for TAG." (I was SO proud of her!) She asked OT to speak with TAG teachers about that day's work. It worked for one day. The next week OT came in and said she talked to her boss and she was not allowed to work on anything but handwriting and typing because of the way the IEP was written. District is as frustrated as DD and I.

It has taken 3 months to get this meeting scheduled because of how many people are involved. I'm hoping to get all the wording right since outside OT folks are being so persnickety.

I mean seriously - you have a profoundly LD kid who is is hardworking, focused and eager to learn but some "professionals" get so caught up in minutia they literally block her from getting the help she needs. And district - who is paying extra for her to get this OT help - is apparently powerless to address it if we don't redraft the IEP just right.

I've made clear that if the OT can't or won't provide the needed AT support we need to bring in a different service provider. Who know how long it will take to figure that part out.
