My daughter also attended a Montessori school. When she was younger, I was able to set up a lot of Montessori activities for her to work on by herself at our house. She was already very familiar with many of the activities from her time at school and was happy to work on them independently.

There are ton of websites full of Montessori resources that you could use for ideas. Believe me that you are not alone in wondering how to keep young children engaged all day long. smile

I also agree with you about TV making children grumpy. I made a hard rule that we didn't watch TV during the day or else she continually pestered me about it. If my daughter thought that watching Wild Kratz was even remotely a possibility, then she didn't want to do anything else.

In any case, here are some ideas that worked well for us and all of the sites below should have some other good suggestions too.

One of my daughter's favorite practical life activities was sewing:

Since it is the holiday season, a gift wrapping lesson would be very appropriate:

Your daughter sounds like she might enjoy using a Montessori Finger Chart:

A child doesn't need to know how to read yet to work with three-part cards:

Word Building with the Movable Alphabet sounds like it would be about right your daughter too:

Hope some of those work for you!