Interesting topic (and I know I haven't posted in a while, but I lurk).

My first memory is from about 14 mos old when we lived in England. I remember the path we used to go down and I remember being fascinated by a pair of twins who had a double-wide pram. My mom confirmed this when I was a teen, but all the other things she mentioned (the frog with babies, the pig farm, berry picking) I didn't have a clue about.

DD related her first birthday to me in vivid detail when she was about 7. I asked her when she learned to read and she said it must have been just after her first birthday and started describing it. There weren't any pictures she'd seen (they were packed away -- we're terrible about photographs). She described some of the adults who were there, gifts she'd received, and the cake we made her.

However two years later when I asked her about remembering her first birthday, she drew a complete blank. So now I have no corroboration for my crazy mom story!