Gotcha- thanks so much for the information.
Our junior high and high school have changed to common core, so it goes up through Integrated Math 3, then into calculus.
My son's teacher for the accelerated 5-week summer Geometry class, who teaches at a different school/different district, said that if he went from Integrated Math 3 into Calculus he would have trouble since he will have missed key concepts.
I guess the best thing would be to ask our high school math department what they think.
He is taking Integrated Math 2 now. He will take Integrated Math 3 next year. Do you think taking a one-year, 5 week Algebra II class next summer would be a waste of his time since he covered it already?
He took the SAT last year, both new and old, and did very well on it. (He actually got the exact same math score on the old and new exam).
He only had taken Algebra I at that point.
Thanks again!