At this point, I would rather NOT have DD doing extra work outside of school. Sometimes she finds those challenges fun, but I also want her to play and be a kid. She gets home kind of late from school (after 4 pm), does homework if needed, then eats dinner, plays a little, gets a shower and goes to bed. Not a lot of time for free play so I'd hate to diminish it even further.

BUT... if it came down to that, I would consider one of those online programs or Beast Academy.

I talked with DD's gifted teacher yesterday, and she agreed that DD needs more. She also noted her declining math MAP scores are a sign of not being challenged enough. I was looking into accelerating DD through the 3rd grade curriculum, but the gifted teacher suggested a subject or whole grade acceleration. Talk about a bomb being dropped in my lap! Not sure if we're going to pursue a grade acceleration but we're definitely thinking about it.