Just got my child's test results, but the FSIQ and GAI are nowhere to be found. Reaching the neuropsychologist has been challenging.
My child is 16 years old.

Sim 19
Voc 16
Info 19

Block Design 17
Matrix Reasoning 16
Visual Puzzles 18

Digit Span 12
Fwd 13
Bkwd 11
Seq 13
Arithmetic 13

Symbol Search 13
Coding 12

My child a bright kid, but loses hw/ textbooks/papers/notes often. My child is chronically late handing in any long term paper/project. When my child finally does hand the work in, it blows the teachers away...its just always late. My child has difficulty finishing exams on time as well. I'm trying to get a 504 plan (was turned down last year, before I had this neuropsych test done). I think the FSIQ and GAI got cut off, as I'm missing the last page....but I need the results to go to the school, now with the testing results, to get my child some help! Neuropsych report does say mild ADHD, anxiety, and executive functioning and organizational issues.

Thanks for any help...opinions?

Last edited by LICAL3; 10/27/16 09:02 AM.