My son is a bit older. He is 11 and in 9th grade English (all 9th graders and him) and algebra (mostly 9th graders, some eighth graders, some tenth graders, and him).

He is taller than some 9th graders so unless he tells them he isn't in 9th grade then they don't know. Well today when he misses school for a seventh grade field trip they might have a clue. (His school is 6-12 so subject acceleration is easily facilitated and they are always willing to try. They have a "let's give it a shot" attitude. )

I think his best friends are in band and some are younger, same age and a grade older. I think it has to do with common interest. He just joined a book club so I bet he'll make some friends there who are passionate about reading.

He hasn't mentioned the older kids at all. So I take it as they are friendly, but not friends. Which is okay.