After a lot of debate last spring we decided to go ahead and accelerate DD9 two levels for math. She’s in 3rd this fall but goes to the 5th grade math class in the same elementary school building. Thank you to everyone on this board for helping us with the decision. Academically, it’s been great. The class is still easy for her so homework and tests are a breeze and she does not feel stressed out as I had feared.

She’s also doing great interacting with the older students in class.The thing I didn’t think about back then but am curious about now is whether kids that do SSA tend to become friends with any of their classmates in the higher level class.

DD says she likes everyone but they don’t have a lot in common due to the age gap. I’m not sure she’s given anyone a chance as she doesn’t have a lot of opportunities to talk to these other kids outside of class. If your child was accelerated only for one subject did you encourage friendships with the older students? Even if we wanted to encourage the friendships how could we do it? Are 5th graders too old for playdates?

DD has a lot of same-age friends, but she’ll have to go to the middle school for math alone in a few years and it would be nice if she had some actual friends there too.