Originally Posted by atnightingale
Until a month ago, she loved stories but had zero interest in decoding words. Now she's interested, but is a very early reader and wants to do it all her own way. I don't have any personal inclination to push after my own and DD10s experience.

Can you clarify? Specifically, I don't quite understand "very early reader and and wants to do it all her own way." By early, do you mean that she's only starting to sound out very basic words like cat or dog? Or are you referring to her age?

I recommend Bob books, which are a series of little books for children who are just starting to read. Also, there's an online system called Starfall that people here used to rave about. Here's an example question.

Have you offered to help her learn? If so, and if she's receptive, I'd work with her to see how it goes. If you have an wanting to do it her way means that she's not interested in help, it's a tough call. On the one hand, she's little and pushing little kids where they don't want to go doesn't always work out (maybe you could push a little and back off if she's really resistant?). On the other hand, you have a legitimate wish to help her in school, and gifted programming is a reasonable part of that.

I'd also look at some sample first grade Iowa tests. They may not be too hard.