DS5 started Kindergarten this fall. His brother, DS8, was identified EG and his educational needs are finally being met through the Gifted Programming....just in time for DS5 to get my advocating attention! So here are my questions:

DS5 appears to have many high IQ qualities, exceptional memory, strong vocabulary, very sensitive, in depth conversations about life and death, etc, however he is not reading, writing or mathing at a high level...maybe not even at grade level. I'm leaning toward twice exceptional, but have little to base this on other than my gut. He frequently flips letters and sight words (am and me, B and D, the and it). He is also high anxiety and has been since birth. He's very sensitive to criticism and hates large social groups. He has struggled in Preschool with some school refusal and Selective Mutism.

At this point, he seems happy, but I want to prepare myself for next steps. The school is incredibly responsive, but I don't even know what to advocate for, if anything. I don't want to wait for problems to arise, but don't want to make problems where there are none. What if he is "normal", whatever that is LOL, and I'm making him into something more because his brother is EG?

Thanks for your thoughts.