My son is almost seven and he loves science, too.

For books, I second What If? My DS 6 (soon to be 7) loved it. We also enjoyed "Thing Explainer" by the same author (but is full of illustrations so your son would probably love it).

Others, in no particular order:
Professor Astrocat's Frontiers of Space and Professor Astrocat's Atomic Adventure. These look like kids' books because of the retro art and cats flying spaceships but the author has a Ph.D. in Quantum Mechanics and the books are just incredible.
Howtoons graphic novels (about science and engineering) They also include some ideas about tinkering and/or building with junk you find around the house;
It's Elementary: Big Questions about Chemistry;
The Elements and The Molecule by Theodore Gray; and
Junk Drawer Chemistry and Junk Drawer Physics (better than buying any kit, in my opinion)

My son is also really into geology so we have lots of guides on rocks and minerals. For his sixth birthday, we put together a backpack with a rock hammer, goggles, a kit for testing the hardness of rocks/minerals and a book with maps showing where to find various rocks in California. We keep it in the trunk of our car so it's always with us and we have spent many happy hours collecting rocks. We also have a microscope at home so we can examine them close up.

Last edited by Lepa; 09/14/16 09:26 PM.