The school is a Montessori but it didn't really start out "drool worthy" six years ago. In fact we pulled DS out for a while in preschool because it was such a poor fit with a teacher he had at the time. What they mostly offer is commitment to their students and flexibility. They don't believe any one approach is best for all students. They're willing to listen to students, parents, and try new things.

I recommended Beast Academy and MCT. They looked at them and said "Sure! This looks great. We'll do this." We talk all the time about the kids and what's working and what's not.

There is nothing in this school's marketing that would make it seem like such a good fit for gifted kids. It isn't a fancy high priced private school at all. If you're trying to find something similar, I'd look for something small and flexible.

But yes, it is pretty awesome. Differentiation is automatic. Acceleration is easy. Both kids were accelerated into the next class level at their request. All this stuff about a kid not getting to read books at a certain level? Not an issue. They walk to the public library and get what they want. DS8 is reading a herpetology field guide for independent reading.