I just received the overview of DS8s third grade year and it looks amazing!

For math (his least favorite subject) he's going to be doing Beast Academy. He'll be doing the grade 3 books but his BF is doing the grade 4 books already and is loving them. His buddy's buy in will definitely motivate him. He'll also be doing logic problems and extra math fact practice.

For science they're studying biomes, ecology, food webs, and animal classification. Lots of really interesting projects DS is already excited about. There are built in expansion activities for kids who want to go further in a topic for every lesson.

In history the first semester will cover our state and includes the history of the local tribes. The second semester is civics covering all forms of government - past and present.

They're doing campaigns and elections, mock trials, writing stories, making movies and maps and going on lots of field trips.

He's doing MIchael Clay Thompson for LA with an add in for literature. They'll also be reciting poems every month and doing reader's theatre where they do dramatic reading in a group. He loves that. He'll also have a weekly spelling test and some practice with the words each day.

Art, cooking and music tie into the seasons/holidays or the curriculum each week. They'll have gymnastics once a week and the whole class is working on keyboarding and cursive.

They're are only eleven kids in his class with two teachers so I think they'll get a lot done too.