Yes, it's frustrating that the only extension program is a competition. Caveat: This is our first year, so I don't know how competitive it is, and also if its an individual competition, team competition or a combo. But I'm going to find out.

We have a wonderful after school / Saturday program in our area that she loves (attended summer camp there), but it is very expensive and would mean transporting her there and adding to an already busy schedule. Whereas Math Olympiad at school is free, on site and during the school day. Plus other parents whose kids were in it before us have expressed concern that if she doesn't do Olympiad, she might get really bored with the regular classwork. I have no desire to force her to compete. And we let her walk away from chess without much fuss. (My HG DH also told me that he also always hated competitions - yet he thinks team sports are important for kids to participate in). But I do worry about the pressure she puts on herself to be perfect, and I'd like to see her in some collaborative environments in which she can excel but then can also experience challenges and failures, and not always be able to manipulate her own win.

Happy to continue to hear more opinions and what's worked for people.

Last edited by JBLTCS; 09/02/16 06:47 PM.