In this case I would just sign if off everyday even though I consider it somewhat insulting and shouldn't be necessary for most H.S. kids. My teen does his homework in his room. I'd honestly have no idea. Just have a talk with your daughter, that this is your solution to an overly bureaucratic teacher.

The only cases I've seen of a parent needing to sign that homework is done is when grades are either failing or on the verge of failing and the school steps in. (We have had that happen but it was done on a weekly basis.) Thus this type of requirement seems "insulting."

As for 45 minutes a night per class. That sounds very very normal in this household. DS has classes that have more than a hour per night. Although he only takes each class 4 times a week.

Is this a new teacher? I guess I'd probably contact the teacher to ask why. But letting your daughter try to talk with her first might be a good idea.

Last edited by bluemagic; 08/30/16 10:13 PM.