My daughter could also read at age three and now, at age five, reads 5th-6th grade level books easily. She never went to pre-school but I was very stressed about her starting Kindergarten because she's so hugely asynchronous. She's also very high energy and extroverted and I knew the moment she was bored she'd be talking to everybody or bouncing around. Which, part of that is just learning what's appropriate and when, but I felt like public kinder was going to set her up for failure. We did talk to the principal at the school but she didn't give us any reassurance about differentiating. We have enrolled her in a very small secular private school that does a custom education plan for every student. They also do not group by just age level, but by ability! So, we're hoping it will allow her to continually grow and have challenges (other than learning to sit still).

I was looking at going the route of going ahead and getting her tested, but when we found this school and decided to make that investment, I decided it wasn't really required at this point and time.

If you have a Facebook page, be sure to follow valuable pages like Hoagies, Gifted Homeschoolers (even if you don't homeschool) and other gifted pages. They share all sorts of great info and you may be able to connect with someone who can offer advice in your local area.

Z - 01/23/11 and O - 05/12/13