Be careful. When some adults learned my son could read so well out loud, he became a bit of a circus act. People would give him books and ask him to read them out loud. He would do it, but I found it embarrassing. I learned to shield my DS a bit from this experience.

Also realize that you can't really discuss this with friends and neighbors who might have kids near your child's age. (Unless you live in an affluent area where this is normal, perhaps.) They don't get it and will possibly label you as a crazy mom who forces your child to learn instead of "just play and be a kid" or they will be secretly jealous and not want to be as friendly anymore. I was naive and didn't realize how greatly some kids struggle with learning to read since my DS taught himself to read.

I have no advice about schools because I haven't found a solution to this problem yet. In preschool I just wanted DS to try to make some friends.