Yeah I just got here. This place was recommended as one in which I could find intelligent logical thinking people to bounce some new ideas against, so here I am. I don't really know anything about what is meant here by the term "Gifted Adults" but I'm sure I'll soon find out.

I consider myself gifted in some ways, as I have experienced some things I haven't heard of anyone having experienced, along with a lot of experiences others seem to find negative, though mine were all amazingly awesome and taught me so much so fast it was like being hooked up to that learning machine in the matrix.

So needless to say I have much I want to talk about and am hoping to meet others who have experienced something similar. I can't be the only one. The experience resembles the manic side of bipolar disorder, which I believe is actually an order rather than a disorder and a good and necessary part of life. Entertaining mental extremes are to the mind like stretching muscles are to the body, healthy.

Anyway, pleased to make your acquaintance. Do you know what the term Gifted Adults means to these people?

Btw, Does this moderator approval thing go on indefinitely or is it only temporarily for new members. I don't think I can handle this for too long.

Last edited by GB_Cobber; 08/12/16 11:01 AM.

Beauty is simple logic