Transportation is offered for HCC. North-end elementary HCC kids attend Cascadia (housed at the old Lincoln HS building until the end of this year). This is a stand-alone school for the 700+ students qualifying from the north side of Seattle. South-end elementary students attend Thurgood Marshall, which is co-housed with an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse gen ed community. Beginning this year, TM will be de-tracking social studies to provide a greater diversity of view points.

Middle schools for HCC include Washington, Hamilton, and JAMS, but further splitting of the program is expected. All middle school sites are co-housed with other programs. Math placement in middle school is independent of advanced learning status and is based on test scores. Some 6th graders take algebra, but most HCC kids take algebra in 7th. JAMS HCC classes (humanities and social studies and science) include kids from the former spectrum program. Some de-tracking is occurring at Washington, but it might just be for the spectrum program. I haven't been following it closely.