Our family will be relocating to Seattle (likely Seattle Public Schools) at the semester break this year and I am interested in learning more about the Seattle Public Schools Advanced Learning programs. We are coming from Indianapolis, where I have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader who have both been identified as "high ability" by the Indianapolis Public Schools. The 3rd grader attends our public high ability magnet school (which serves grades 2 - 8), the 1st grader was invited to attend for 2nd grade as well, based on her kindergarten assessments.
I am in contact with a representative of the Seattle schools program to have their records reviewed for consideration for transfer into Seattle's programs at the time that we move (as opposed to waiting until the summer test dates for 2017-2018), but am trying to learn more about any experience that people on this forum may have had with the programs and also how the elementary school programs are administered.
Are all of the programs centered at a few schools, or does each school have a separate program? And, if each school has a separate program, are some better than others? (This information may impact where we choose to live in the city, as I'd prefer not to have to switch schools more than once.)
Thanks in advance!