He is okay trying new tasks but can get whiny if it does not go well. We are working on it.

I was talking about the difference between the boys with one of our friends who is a psychologist and he echoed much of what was said here. This type of thing isn't his area of specialization but he thought it was interesting they were so different. Plus he knew DH and his "more competitive externally motivated" sibling as kids so that was interesting too.

I'm interested in him starting piano for a few reasons. First, it is offered as an extra at their school and it is a very convenient extracurricular. He can do it before school starts. Secondly, I think music education is beneficial generally. DH and I both took piano as kids. And lastly, I'd like him to work on something for which he'll have no gauge on how others are doing. Aside from a year end recital, there is no competition or even observation of how other kids are doing.

We'll look into team sports too. I think the Y does five year old flag football leagues. He'd like that. Tag is his favorite recess game.