I would let it go as well. What I wouldn't do was formally skip him at this age. His current (until 8th) school is capable of providing curriculum at his level, so keep him with K kids and let his academics go. That sounds ideal.

My priorities would indeed be social (as it is with my own boys), since academics is such a strength. I would also ensure that the school is expecting grade level output (second grade output for example) before moving on. Lots of homeschoolers scaffold their children and don't expect high levels of output; that's a mistake because high school and college don't care if you understand the material if you can't communicate that effectively.

Sounds like you have a great setup. My theory is also to keep doing what is working, and worry about problems when they come. It sounds like everything is working, so that's great.

Last edited by DianaG; 07/25/16 09:04 PM.