DD11 is a musical theater kid who constantly sings. Constantly. About a year ago she wrote a song that has worked its way in to her daily collection of show tunes. The lyrics are really poetic and way more nuanced and mature than I ever would have expected a 10 year old to have written.

This is her third summer attending an amazing arts camp. Every day they have "lunchtime concerts" and any camper or staff member can perform. I think this is one of her favorite parts of this camp - both performing and watching all the different performances each day. Today she decided to premier her song. She came home embarrassed because it was SO well received. Apparently huge cheers, loads of accolades. Everyone commenting to her the rest of the day. She has sung at these concerts a number of times before so is used to congratulations, high fives and "good jobs". I assume the big response was to the fact that she wrote this song herself and I have to honestly say I'm pretty impressed by it myself. She is saying things like "I wish they didn't love it" and that it makes her feel bad that it was such a hit.

I'm confused. The best I can come up with is that she is such a poetic soul she almost feels like a piece of her has been given away.

I wish I had known she was performing this song today - I certainly would have been there and of course recorded it. This way though I am relying on her report.

Anyone else have a kid whose OE leads to self deprecation? It seems like a combination of creative angst and imposter syndrome...