This is my first time posting here. My son is 7 years old, going into the 2nd grade, gifted, severe ADHD, and borderline/mild autism. He also has physical developmental delays and sees an occupational therapist, and just graduated from speech. He goes to a private school. The school is adding a gifted program this year. He hasn't had his IQ tested since he was 4 (during autism/ADHD testing), but he scores 99% on the Iowa assessments. That's the only standardized testing they do. He also gets "outstanding" for all of his grades, but "needs improvement" for behavior/social areas.

We decided to medicate and have been adjusting his meds to find the right one for him. We are also working with a developmental specialist pedi on this because we are in a large metro area we have access to all kinds of specialists. I think we have found the right combo this summer, but will have to see how he does in school.

Anyway, the school says his behavior needs to improve to join the gifted class (he is mainstream). His OT is recommending behavior therapy. Has anyone had this situation and what did you do?