Hi aeh, sorry I should have been more specific. DS was tested on a district non standard test for gifted placement at the beginning of the KG year in which he qualified in LA but not in Math. We were told that they would add Math services if they seem fit. We had this conversation with the school couple of months ago, and they still believe that he is not a candidate for Maths gifted services.

We got him independently tested for both WIATII and WISC V, we haven�t shared the results with the school yet. Here are the WIAT III results taken at the same time, and WIAT III scores look to be higher than WISC V scores

Oral Language: 146 99.9th
Total Reading: 143 99.8th
Basic Reading: 150 >99.9th
Reading Comprehension & Fluency: 135 99th
Written Expression: 157 >99.9th
Mathematics: 160 >99.9th
Math Fluency: 135 99
Total Achievement: 150 >99.9th

Would appreciate any insight and how to advocate to school for Maths gifted placement.