Hi, I have been a long time lurker at the board, debating whether to get my son tested. Last month, we finally were able to get my 7.5 year old tested for WIAT III and WISC V. Does anything jump out? Should I be asking anything specific from the tester? The school has placed my son in the gifted program for language arts but not for Maths. Should I be advocating Maths gifted program based on these results?

Here are the scores for WISC V. Please let me know if any additional information is needed. Appreciate your help in advance!!

VCI: 146
VSI: 126

Nonverbal: 142
CPI: 132

Subtest scores (scaled score and percentile)
Verbal comprehension
Similarities 17 99th
vocabulary 19 99.9th

Visual spatial
Block design 14 91th
Visual puzzle 15 95th

Fluid reasoning
Matrix reasoning 19 99.9th
Figure weights 18 99.6th

Working memory
Digit span 17 99th
Picture span 16 98th

Processing speed
Coding 12 75th
Symbol search 14 91th