Originally Posted by CSaw
My question concerns potty training. He has decided that he doesn't "like" having a bowel movement, so he won't. He holds it until I don't know why he doesn't feel sick. And then will sit on the toilet forever, not do anything, go play and then GO in his underpants. We've tried rewards, time outs, withholding toys, you name it. Even telling him that he can't go to school if he can't go to the bathroom. He tells us then that he doesn't want to go to school. So that doesn't work. Other than this he is such a bright, happy, loving child. It's very frustrating. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi CSaw, I have no idea if this is more common with gifted kids but at the time, our DS5 decided that he wasn't going to toilet train until his 4th birthday. It was really strange, as nothing worked with him either until he decided it was time. Apparently there was absolutely nothing wrong with him (other than a serious stubborn streak!) because as soon as he decided he was ready, he started using the toilet and only had one or two accidents thereafter. Our boys can both be fiercely independent and have always wanted some degree of control over their own lives (around that age, our DS6 couldn't understand why we got to make the rules and he had to follow them). So maybe it could be related to control over his own body?