Originally Posted by Cookie
Try to use technology to organize her....alarms on phones, checklists, calendar.

I'm wondering if I could find an organizing app that can be so detailed as to list not only events per day but what needs to be brought to that event (ie. soccer - bring ball, water bottle, hair tie, etc).

Originally Posted by aeh
"I would suggest picking a single skill (or cluster of skills, like the morning routine), and focusing on it every day for a month, or until it becomes second nature, then moving onto another concrete skill. Initially, a parent may have to stand over her for the entire process, every single day, then, you may be able to just start her off, wait until it's about half-way through, and then come back in five minutes to check up that she finished, etc., stepping back gradually on supervision."

I like this because it begins with a small goal which, if reached, helps her feel successful enough to try another goal.

All of this, of course, depends on whether she has a buy in on trying out the ideas. She can get awfully crabby when new ideas are broached about dealing with her memory issues.