Originally Posted by Johnny
These usborne books interest me, as I'm looking for books that we can move in a progression, which seems to be how that series operates. My concern is the words might be british english (colour instead of color).
Is that the case. I would looking at this set Usbourne 50 book Set

I did buy a workbook that we go through together Beginning Critical Thinking. The first part of this book is too easy for him, but they do have something thinking challenges so that's been fun.

Has anyone used an OSMO seems interesting?

Osmo looks cool but way overpriced. Can you look into simple tangrams?

I gather you're interested in teaching reading with the Usborne book set. My older boy didn't like the Usborne books, so I can't personally recommend them. I'd caution against buying such a big set if you don't know if you're child will enjoy them; honestly, the library is an excellent resource of beginner books. If you find a well-loved set, then buy away (my three-year-old's favorite is Elephant and Piggie).

For teaching to read, I have used a couple of curriculums with my five-year-old a couple years ago and now with my three-year-old (very informal, 10 or 15 minutes per day), and I can make some recommendations if you like. Feel free to PM.

FWIW, my boys' school is British, and our books are a mix. ODS has never commented on the spelling differences (nor stumbled over them). I have been unsuccessful at teaching my five-year-old french fries instead of chips, and he now has a British accent as well.