Originally Posted by puffin
A side question bud does anyone know why philosopher was changed to sorcerer in the title of the first book in the US market? It has always troubled me because the aren't really the same thing.

And I haven't had the problem because neither ds7 or ds9 would cope.

I read that it troubles JK Rowling to this day, but she was young and inexperienced and still in the heady OMG I am having a book published phase, so she went along with it.
You'd think she has the clout now to insist it be changed back, but who knows, publishing contracts are scary things.
I also think all the money that went to our local publishers might go into finally commissioning a proper translation to replace the current atrocious one...

Edited to actually answer the OPs question:
I had to MAKE DS9 read the books about a year ago because he insisted he wasn't interested in wizards and witches but in "realistic" (read detective and science fictions yea right) fiction.
He then zoomed right through all 7 volumes.
I recall he got a bit stuck on the fifth (heck, I got a bit stuck on the fifth) but by the time he read the seventh, I just let it go and he did not appear bothered in the slightest. This is the kid I still won't let watch a lot of Disney movies, and in the few it did let him watch I skipped parts (eg Simba finding dead Mustafa), and who would, at the age of five still be inconsolable because in one book he read, the postman could not find the house the dragon had Carried away and the family might miss out on their letters...
For some reason, HP was okay all the way through.
So I've decided I will let him self censor with reading material.
I feel different about the movies, but so far we are through the fifth with no issues. Will hold out a bit on the rest because his HP obsession has waned and he is now lobbying for the Percy Jackson movies.
Wondering about DD5 now. The books are around, and DS9 even tried to make her read the first, but she isn't there yet.

Last edited by Tigerle; 06/02/16 01:44 AM.