Originally Posted by polarbear
I also have a question for you - when she was diagnosed with DCD and dysgraphia, did the evaluator give you any type of plan-forward, with advice on how to accommodate and remediate?

No. In her life we have now used two neuropsychologists. The first was when she was 4. He suggested we see an OT and called her "almost clinically slow," though he did not write that in the report. The OT gave us the DCD diagnosis, and everything about it completely fits. Everything. Then we went to the second neuropsychologist to get testing so she could get a 504. That neuropsychologist accepted the OTs findings, but didn't focus on that.

In our experience so far, it has felt like OTs "do" DCD and neuropsychs "do" pen and paper testing and they never quite connect with each other. It's like the two puzzle pieces never get connected by the professionals. The school is giving her dysgraphia accommodations under an ADHD diagnosis. But so far they aren't really working. The tech is difficult for her and isn't supported. Her teacher is understanding and lenient on grading (checks for understanding verbally, doesn't make her draw to receive full credit on projects), but it doesn't solve the problem that if she can't write, she's missing out on things she should be learning. I am keeping a list of things to ask for next year.