pb makes some really good points--in our case DS phobias were(are) part and parcel of his second E.

DD is more like the "anxious personality" and seems like she was born that way. There is actually a commonly studied gene variant associated with both higher levels of anxiety and some aspects of intelligence.
(We know DS has this variant, as do I, so DD is at least heterozygous. I know this isn't what you asked about, but it's really interesting to see that some of us are just made that way!)

Here's an interesting article about the arachnophobia: http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/our-fear-spiders-innate-not-learned

(I know that is more than a little OT but it's interesting to me that there are so many shared fears across cultures. I wonder how those costume characters relate? Maybe something about the size, exaggerated features?)

And here is a really cool book that I like to use with bright/verbal children to encourage them they can shape their experience:


No matter the anxiety triggers, developing some coping skills won't hurt anything.